A Snapshot of Parkland
Our Mission
To plant the seed of music in everyone’s heart, and support it to sprout and bear good fruit; help colleagues be more like a complete man.
Our Principle
Stick to our first intention: treat every day as the first day of Parkland, treat every customer as our first customer; Endeavor to serve with a righteous, humble and selfless heart; Keep on improving ourselves so that today we must be better than yesterday – because we strongly believe that everyone who exalts himself will be humbled.
Behind the name of Parkland
In dictionary, “Parkland” means “an area of open land with grass and trees”. We strive to allow the seed of music to root firmly on this piece of parkland, where they can absorb sufficient nutrition to flourish and bear good fruit. On this “open land”, everyone can share their music freely, so as to nourish more music lovers and breed genuine musicians.
Founder’s speech
Our wish: Let more people fall in love with music
When I played guitar in secondary school, I never thought that music would be my lifelong career. I am not a top student in the music department, nor did I come from a prestigious school. I am just a post-80s Hong Konger born in public housing who loves music. Since I started teaching guitar in 2001, I never imagined that Parkland would be what it is today. It is all grace that Parkland has grown to this day, and there is nothing I can boast about.
In my teaching career, there was a time when I was the most exhausted, working more than 17 hours a day. I remember there was a student who had an exam the next day, so we practiced together in the studio until 4 am, which was exciting! Although that was very tiring, seeing the student are successful and seeing the smiles of the students enjoying their performances on stage, is all worth it.
Although the music is delightful, the practice process is hard. But I believe that if you really like music, even though the process of practicing is hard and long, it must be fun. Parkland’s goal is to make students fall in love with music and hope that students can enjoy music, not just for exams or certificates. I understand that being forced to practice will only make my classmates dislike music. I think that’s a great pity because music can be a good companion on life’s journey.
Music has a very important role in my life: it takes me through the lows and makes me happier when I’m happy, and my wife got to know me through music. So, I can enjoy the music, which is very blessed. Music is a great gift from God, and I hope to introduce it to more people. I also hope that you who are reading this text can fall in love with music and enjoy the blessings that music brings to you!
Parkland’s Educational Philosophy
Parkland Music is leading beyond traditional music education to provide a unique sharing platform for all style of music.
There shouldn’t be any boundaries in the world of music. Thus, we have designed music courses in “5 Key Fields”, which comprises Pop Music, Vocal, Digital Music, Theory and Classical Music.

These “5 Key Fields” are supported by “8 Core Elements”, namely Pop Style, Rock Style, Metal Style, Blues Style, Funk Style, Fusion Style, Jazz Style and Classical Style.
Parkland’s Course Structure
Our vision is to nurture and produce all-round musicians. With this solid belief, we strive for excellence in teaching and providing the best learning experience to students.