- Classical Music Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Awarded UK Trinity College ATCL Guitar Diploma, Best known for Pop, Classical, Fingerstyle and Hymns. Was a member of the Hong Kong Guitar Ensemble performing at venues like Cultural Centre and Town Hall. Best known for teaching Acoustic Guitar, Classical Guitar and Ukulele. Teaching style is tailored made according to the student’s potential with strong emphasis on basics, reading skills and tempo sense. Teaching students how to appreciate music and let students know different of music style.
- Digital Music Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Seasons Lee
Logic Pro , Pro Tools , Reason)
於2015年考獲rockschool grade 8 electric guitar passed with distinction證書,為夏季考試的highest scorer,並被RSL HK 邀請為Rockschool ceremony作示範表演。接觸各種不同風格音樂,特別在Jazz, Marching, Rock, Fusion音樂有深入研究,於敲擊樂及結他均有多年演出經驗。現為Happy-Go-Lucky Bigband結他手,曾經為Pegasus Vanguard marching band的Tenor drummer,及ShinyWinds管樂團的Percussionist。
Alan Cheung
本地結他手及全職音樂人,曾與前本地樂隊於2009年替外國Melodic Death Metal樂隊Children Of Bodom擔任暖場嘉賓, 更於2010年到泰國Shining Star Studio灌錄樂隊專輯。現為全職結他導師及音樂人,曾接受香港音樂雜誌"Re:spect"及音樂頻道"樂活道"訪問分享有關Rockschool音樂考試心得。音樂風格深受Dream Theater樂隊結他手John Petrucci影響,除此之外亦受到不同風格樂手的影響包括Paul Gilbert, Jason Becker, Richie Kotzen, Ross Bolton, Frank Gambale, Al Di Meola等等
Namson Kwok
香港職業樂手,曾同台合作藝人包括許靖韻、陳凱彤及鍾舒漫。更曾赴廣州、澳門及台灣等地演出,包括台灣無限自由音樂節。在Rockschool Grade 8 Bass考試中獲得distinction成績,擅長Pop、Rock及Funk等風格。
Jon Benard
I am a versatile musician. I play bass,keyboard, guitar and my major instruments is drums. I have been performing for more than 10 years until now and with different musicians. I started to play in church to improve myself in 2008. I play with my dad back in 2015 doing duo show and play a ballroom gig.I am currently playing a regular gig every Friday in Auberge hotel bar at discovery bay.Main drummer of Bulletproof (ska
punk) and playing for Johnson Ho wedding production. Playing with 3 different band is actually really fun and I learn how to adopt their style as explore different genre such as Pop,rock,jazz,Latin ,bossa nova,R&B,reggae,ska,punk,funk and others..
However, I discover myself that teaching music is also one of my passion to share my talent to the kids and others. Back in 2011 I started to coach a band voluntary in YWCA until 2013. In 2012 I started to teach one on one individual instruments up to now. In 2016 I took the grade 8 rock school exam major in drums and I was awarded merit on my certificate.
Music is one of the best job to do either playing or teaching, it glorify God and inspire others to learn music.It's all about your passion and doing what you love to do in life. Never loose hope for God gives hope to the hopeless and all things are possible to him.
- Classical Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
- Vocal Courses
Yan Yan Wu
2017年6月畢業於香港浸學大學音樂碩士課程。考獲古典鋼琴 (ATCL)證書 、唱歌 (ABRSM 8級)證書,以及樂理 (ABRSM 8級)證書。
現於教會擔任司琴、指揮及唱歌成員。亦會到婚禮場地為新人作現場伴奏表演,不定時的街頭表演…等等。曾於2014年8月以Band Leader身份,帶領一班樂手演出夢與想音樂會。2017年8月於東華三院賽馬會利東綜合服務中心舉辦的Harmonican Acapella group公開演出,並編了《新精神》(廣東話歌Medley)、《頌讚詩》等歌曲。另外,亦擁有自己的音樂小品,《夢旅途》、《活出‧生命》、《念‧不念》。曾於夢與想音樂會作公開演出;《跟隨祂》於ACM詩歌創作大賽2015-基督教流行詩歌組別得到季軍;其他作品如《想》、《天空的回憶》、《返工》等曾於街頭表演、Facebook或Youtube上分享。
- Classical Music Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Maya Ng
Maya考獲英國皇家音樂學院(ABRSM) 8級色士風證書。擁有14年以上演奏經驗及3年以上教學經驗。曾多次到北京、上海、馬來西亞、泰國及韓國等地參加銀樂隊比賽及表演,獲得優良成績。擅長Classical, Pop及jazz等風格,教學理念著重於基本功及技巧,注重提高學生對音樂的音感訓練,從而幫助學生擁有個人音樂特式,繼而增加學生對音樂的興趣。
Max Wong
考獲Trinity Drum Kits Grade8證書,曾於太極鼓手Ricky Chu門下學習多年
曾任教香港及廣州Ricky Music Factory,香港不同的中小學校,
- Digital Music Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Kit Yeung
音樂類型︰Pop |Rock|Funk|Jazz
香港國際音樂學校作曲系畢業,並考獲RockSchool 流行電結他Grade8證書。
香港Cash 流行音樂作曲家及作詞家協會會員。
曾參與演出包括:《舞台劇香港組曲2015》、《生力啤酒節2016》、《Tissot 衝破極限挑戰賽2015》、《朗豪坊Live Stage》、《Gimme Live Music Festival》、《Dream Big School Tour 》、《我承諾我原創2016 》。
- Classical Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Jay Tsoi
考獲英國皇家音樂學院 (ABRSM) ATCL級鋼琴證書,及八級樂理證書。接觸鋼琴超過10年,擅長風格包括古典,Pop,Jazz,Bebop,Bossanova,Funk,Blue等。擁有樂隊及演出經驗,於教會內任詩歌伴奏,對改編及創作歌曲更有深入研究。
Edmund Law
考獲Rockschool Drum Kit Grade 8 證書 及Trinity Drum Kit Grade 8 ( Distinction )證書。大學時期活躍於大專各項比賽,於 2014 年為ICMA 大專聯校歌唱比賽歌手伴奏。2016年為小童群益會創作及錄製80周年主題曲。
Tommy Sung
Home – Drummer & full-time musician Engaged in many years of music work, such as concert musicians, record recording production. Cooperative artists include: Fred Cheng @HOME, TaiChi Band, Benji & Lesley, Felix Poon, Wallis Cho Season Lee…, etc.
From the home often play a lot of different music, such as Anglo-American Beatles, Bee Gees, Carpenters.... Own than listening to Japanese music. In the middle school began to learn the instrument. Drum, guitar, piano ... and so on at this time and friends group Band. Even if it has joined the social work, still adhere to the faith. Continue to put the music in a top position. Full-time to join the music teaching work, their own band HOME, there are many different units for the performance of the most profound one, we can also be regarded as the band in 2013 on behalf of Hong Kong was selected in Taiwan "spring cry" performance band unit. In the music teaching work, the use of their own knowledge, experience, knowledge and thoughts. We hope that more people can learn music, pass the fire, so the process, students can better understand themselves, give yourself more challenges, training yourself.
Hope that music can be filled with life, with more people through music, one by one is linked with...
Yman Wan
Singing , piano tutor
Awarded the Pearson BTEC Higher National Diploma in Performing Art (Musical)
ABRSM piano exam Grade 8 , Vocal Grade 3 , with over ten years of experience in teaching singing and performing , experienced with being judge in different university and college , various performance in hall , shopping mall , wedding events
Graduated at the University of Hong Kong -Bachelor of Arts majoring in Music.
Keyboardist of Hong Kong indie band Say You Care and Avalanche. The first EP of Say You Care has been released in the year of 2016 and the band was touring Hong Kong and Tai Wan. Over 10 years experience of classical piano and pop piano teaching. As for performance experience , has been participated in a lot of live band events such as wedding , annual dinner as well as singing contest.
Mike Tsang
Mike is a young award-winning vocalist who participates in many different competitions, including placing 1st representing his high school. After graduating from Hong Kong Design Institute’s Digital Music and Media program, he’s placed first in a number of singing competitions. He is a regular singer on the mall circuit as well as various music and cultural events in Hong Kong, and also takes lead vocal duties as a part-time wedding singer.
Mann Tse
Mann is currently the bassist of a local band “Carrier” which actively perform in major venues such as HKCEC & KITEC. With over 10 years tutoring experience, Mann is honored the Grade 8 Electric Bass Guitar in Rock School Graded Examination and Grade 8 Guitar in Trinity Rock & Pop Qualification Examination. As an individual musician, Mann also takes part in TV programmes, CD productions. Artists that Mann has worked with include Hotcha, Siu-Fei, Deep Ng, Vivian Wai-man Chan, etc.
Ian Ng
Hong Kong full-time drum teacher, with 6 years all-round teaching and rich performing experience , including band show and live bar. Achieved rockschool drumset grade 8, and being trained in mi music academy, Tokyo, Japan. Style: rock, metal, funk, blues, hard rock and emo
Karthis Chan
Love music a lot ,including classical,rock,metal etc. Access Rockschool grade 8 drum kit qualifications Learn piano & guitar by myself Guitarist of Sensation Circle & Giraffe Eat Fish. Indulge with Song Recording & Mixing 3 years more work experiences in TVB audio team Extremely keen on pitch High creativity & ability to composing and lead the bands in music.
Philip Ng
Philip has played drum through self-learning since he was 5 years old. When he was 8, he has become the drummer of church's band at the evangelical services. In the meantime, Philip participated in lots of band shows and competitions with various local bands in order to accumulates at least 10 years experience in the field of performance. Received the Rockschool Grade 8 Drum Certification with over 8 years of rich teaching experience, and skilled in Pop, Rock, Funk and Metal etc. Philip's teaching concept is to inspire the student's creativity of drum and music, to guide the development of personal drum style and to learn effectively so as to apply the skill effectually.
Brian Li
Tutor Brian Li, who has been awarded Trinity rock school (Drums Level 8) for many years to participate in private and charity performances and teaching. Touch a variety of bands. Brian Li provide professional music knowledge and skills, with a simple way, to improve your music level.
Jimmy Ling
Jimmy is awarded with Rockschool Grade 8 Bass Guitar certificates and the ABRSM Grade 5 Musical Theory certificates. He played bass guitar for several years and good at variety of styles such as Pop, Rock, Metal, Blues, Jazz and Funk. As a member of local band called ‘Lingmonkaipe', he got lots of experiences in performance and received awards from competitions, including Champion of Warehouse Youth Band Competition and first runner up of Hong Kong & Macau Youth Band Competition etc. In recent years, Jimmy also collaborated with different organizations and bands to play bass guitar in events. Moreover, he participated in job of composing and mixing. In terms of tutorial, the teaching materials and learning progress is set in accordance of students’ aptitude. Hope to help students lay a good foundation, focus on emotional expression from music and build up the ability of improvisation.
Liz Cheng
Liz obtained Rock school Grade 8 drum set certificate. She has been tutoring for 2 years. She is now a tutor of the Hong Kong Percussion Association. Currently teaching drum set and percussion in different primary and secondary schools. Participated in various performances in shopping malls, e.g: Yuen Long Plaza and Sheung Shui Centre. She also participated in the annual concerts of Hong Kong Century Wind Symphony and Hong Kong Percussion Association.
- Classical Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Irene Ko
Studying in The Hong Kong Baptist University’s Bachelor of Art (hons) in Music, major Piano. Awarded the ABRSM Diploma of Piano with Distinction. Started learning piano from the age of 10. Taught by Ms Yim Chui Chu, Linda from 2015. With over 17 years of performance and over 6 years of teaching experience including personal and ensemble performances in Cultural Centre, The Hong Kong Baptist University, etc. Also took part in weddings, outdoor, competitions, Hong Kong Music Festival and church services parties,etc. Pianists in Hong Kong Baptist University Christian Choir and Galilee church. Teaching aim focuses on inspiring the students to music, improvisation and basic techniques.
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
- Vocal Courses
Florence Cheng
畢業於三藩市州立大學音樂碩士課程 主修合唱指揮 , 獲獎學金及 師隨 Dr. Joshua Habermann 及隨三藩市音樂學院老師 Catherine Cook 學習聲樂為第二主修 曾為三藩市州立大學女聲合唱團指揮及聲樂指導,三藩市州立大學 音樂學科 Ear Training and Musicianship 教學助理,三藩市州立大學室樂合唱團成員,三藩市交響樂團合團團成員,矽谷交響合唱團及其室樂合唱團之成員和助理指揮 現為香港著名合唱團導師,及為多所學校和教會合唱團提供合唱及聲樂課程,包括香港大學學生會合唱團、香港大學基督徒詩班等。 曾任教香港浸會大學女聲合唱團、男拔萃書院男童聲合唱團、香港青年合唱團音樂總監及香港國際音樂學校合唱團 經常與合唱團演唱不同風格的合唱作品,有文藝復興時期以至現代合唱音樂、大型神劇、歌劇及音樂劇,也活躍於聲樂演出及教學。而合作伙伴包括法國五月
Tommy Ho
本地知名爵士結他大師及資深音樂人Tommy Ho,早於80年代在美國Dick Grove College音樂學院及Musician Institute畢業,師承外國多位知名經典爵士樂結他大師Joe Pass、Larry Carlton、Robben Ford、Howard Roberts、Joe Diorio、Don Mock及Pat Martino等。曾擔任多家知名唱片公司的結他手、製作人及編曲家接近二十年,近年回歸到自己最喜愛的爵士樂世界,與來自世界各地的樂手演出交流,亦在亞洲各地舉辦不同類型的音樂工作坊及結他教學工作。
Michael Chu
香港樂隊"KOLOR"鼓手,現為Sabian Cymbals及Lugwig Drums香港區的代言鼓手。考獲英國Trinity Pop and Rock Drum Kit8級證書並取得Distinction成績。擁有十年以上教授流行鼓經驗。在香港不同的場地均有豐富的表演經驗,如展貿中心及大型的戶外表演。更為不同歌手於大型演唱會,電視台擔任伴奏鼓手。過往亦有豐富錄音室錄音經驗,所錄制的唱片達10張以上。
- Digital Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Sebastian Poon
藝名糖兄,香港二人創作組合糖兄妹(Sugar Club)成員。結他手糖兄主力作曲,而主唱糖妹則負責填詞。 2010年,推出首張大碟我最愛糖兄妹,並於各大樂壇頒獎典禮奪得多個新人獎獎項。 2011年, 舉行首個大型演唱會《糖兄妹跑出天際遊樂園演唱會》。 除創作糖兄妹歌曲,糖兄還會為其他歌手創作。
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Kubo 久保
本地樂隊Empty Tomb鍵琴手,beebob主唱/結他手,前Ever主音,於YAMAHA Asian Beat樂隊比賽2002-03亞洲區總決賽榮獲最佳個人表現獎、YAMAHA Asian Beat樂隊比賽獲得2008亞洲區最佳鍵琴手、動漫節青年音樂祭Heartbeat 冠軍樂隊、曾任Our Rock Story 音樂比賽評判、MOTO903樂潮人,現任香港作曲家及作詞家協會成員。曾合作過藝人包括 糖兄妹、A-Day、周國賢、王菀之、葉世榮、徐偉賢等等,擁有17年作曲作詞經驗,擁有超過200首個人作品。曾就讀AutoPlus Computer Music & Multimedia Training Cente和香港國際音樂學校,曾到台灣、日本、馬來西亞、新加坡、雲南等多個地方演出。
A member of “Dear Jane”, a band under Warner Music, and a member of the band “F.B.I.”, Nic was graduated from music production and recording programs. Dear Jane joined Warner Music in 2011 and published 3 records including “Gamma”. Their song “Yellow Fever” was plugged in 2012 and came top on the CRHK and Metro Broadcast Music Charts. F.B.I. published their record in 2008 and was the champion of Cable TV “線動真音樂” band competition and 1st runner up in GBOB HK Final. Nice has worked with artists including Joey Yung, Khalil Fong and Endy Chow, etc. Aka Martin
- Digital Music Courses
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- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Chi Tung
本地Nu Metal樂隊鐵樹蘭鼓手,SABIAN及VATER代言人,8歲起開始接觸敲擊樂,曾與藝人傳佩嘉組成流行樂隊《Holic jam》及曾在吳浩康、衛蘭的演唱會擔任鼓手,曾參與香港小交響樂團、香港泛亞交響管弦樂團及香港交響管弦樂團演出,擅長Nu-Metal, Alternative rock, Blues, Fusion及Classical多種風格,考獲Rockschool Grade 8 Drums證書、英國皇家音樂學院八級敲擊樂證書及現為香港作曲及作詞家協會會員。
- Classical Music Courses
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- Pop & Rock Music Courses
- Vocal Courses
Viola Cheung
Chung Bee Lee
本地著名地下樂隊Maniac鼓手,於2010年推出專輯《記憶凌亂•散落》,新碟專輯發佈會全場爆滿,反應熱烈,曾為國外知名樂隊Misery Signal、Bring Me The Horizon、The Devil Wears Prada、Crossfaith等作過開場演出。擅長Metal、Rock、Pop、Blues、Funk等風格,Rockschool Grade 8 drums證書並取得Distinction成績,並擁有8年以上教學經驗,教學內容著重學生個人質素和喜好,而度身設計教學課程。
- Classical Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Lee Rainbow
Ryan Lam
Member of “Closer”, a band under EEG Music. Other members of “Closer” include Deep Ng (Vocal), Johnny Choi (Bass guitarist), Masaki Heung (Drummer). “Closer” is the first band signed by EEG Music. The band published their first album “Get Closer” in Jun 2012 and is currently very active in Hong Kong’s show biz. Ryan has co-operated with artists including Sai Wing Yip (葉世榮), Vincy Chan (泳兒), 2R, Wilfred Lau (劉浩龍), Sherman Chung (鍾舒曼), Angela Au (區文詩), etc in recoding, song writing and arranging.
- Digital Music Courses
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- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Johnny Choi
ember of “Closer”, a band under EEG Music. Johnny has been writing songs and lyrics, working in music engineering, computer music design and recording for many years. He has worked with many artists including Beyond, Paul Wong (黃貫中), Sai Wing Yip (葉世榮), Andy Lau (劉德華), Andy Hui (許志安). His work includes “浮花”, “美麗的時光機器”, “夢是什麼”, etc. Formed the band “Closer” and became the first band under EEG Music. The first album “Get Closer” was published in Jun 2012 and their single, “明白”, was ranked no. 1 on TVB’s JSG.
- Digital Music Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Member of “Closer”, a band under EEG Music. Masaki is a full time professional musician and music tutor. He has rich experience in performance, recording and teaching. He has worked with artists including Steve Wong (黃家強), Charlene Choi (蔡卓妍), Candy Lo (盧巧音), Ella Koon (官恩娜), Janice (衛蘭), Jill (衛詩), Louis Cheung (張繼聰), HotCha, Ryan Hui (許懷欣), At 17, Cindy Yen (袁詠琳), Aarif Li (李治庭), etc. Masaki is also a member of the live band on TVB’s JSG. He has worked with the band Az and AudioTraffic and has also published albums. In 2012, Masaki formed the band Closer with Deep Ng (Vocal), Ryan Lam (Guitarist) and Johnny Choi (Bass guitarist) and become the first band under EEG Music.
- Digital Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Harry Lo
本地樂隊"一般性"結他手,於2012年畢業於香港專業教育學院,並於2014年考獲Rockschool Grade 8 Guitar證書,擁有6年以上演奏及5年以上教學經驗,曾於不同的教會、社區團體及音樂中心任教,亦為婚禮、音樂會、大學歌唱比賽及為藝人擔任過駐場結他手及貝斯手,同時在中華基督教播道會同福堂擔任樂隊教練及顧問,擔任過樂隊的作曲、填詞、編曲及其專輯的結他錄制部份,亦曾於台灣Wake Up音樂祭及20多場不同的香港公開演出,教學及演出經驗相當豐富,教學方式著重於情感、演奏方式和節奏,亦會因材施教,使學生能更容易學習,從而投入歌曲及演出。
- Digital Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Aka Martin
A member of “Supper Moment”, a band under Redline Music. Since its establishment in 2008, Supper Moment has already participated in hundreds of performances and earned championship in a number of band competitions. In 2010, Supper Moment published 2 EPs <<等等...>> and <<旅程>>. In 2011, they published their first Canto album <<再次心跳>>, single <點滴> ranked no.5 and no.7 respectively in Radio 903 and RTHK Music Chart. It was also the best seller for 2 consecutive weeks in CD Warehouse.
Singz Tse
A member of “The Astrocytes”, a band under Super Tronics International Music. “The Astrocytes” published their first album in 2012. Singz is very actively in Hong Kong’s showbiz, and have worked with various experienced artists and singers in different performances. He has also been a member of the live band in JSG, The Voice, etc and the bass guitarists in artists’ albums and concerts. Artists whom he has worked with include Kay Tse, Endow Chow, Candy Lo, Andy Lau, Denise Ho, Khalil Fong, etc. He was the bass guitarists for concerts including 『我們相愛6年Twins環遊世界演唱會』(Twins)、『許志安蘇永康-安康2OO9美國演唱』(Andy Hui, William So)、『糖兄妺跑出天際遊樂園演唱會』、『周國賢好爸爸音樂會』(Endy Chow), etc.
A member of Chochukmo, an independent 5-member rock band. Chocukmo was awarded “the Top 20 Hong Kong Musicicans” by Time Out Hong Kong Magazine in 2008. In 2009, Chochukmo was even elected as “The Top 20 Must-Meet Icons in Hong Kong” and was commented by Times Magazine as “…might be the most charismatic band in Southern China in recent years”. In 2010, Times Magazine published the music review for its first album “The King Lost His Pink”. On top of performances in Hong Kong, Chochukmo also has overseas performance experiences in countries including the Philippines, Malaysia, etc with very positive feedback from local media.
The Vocal of Hong Kong independent band Chochukmo, a 5-people independent rock band based in Hong Kong. In 2008, Chochukmo was elected as “Top 20 Musicians in Hong Kong” by Time Out Hong Kong. In 2009, they were elected as “Top 20 Must-See Figures in Hong Kong” by CNNGo and was regarded as “probably the most charismatic band in Southern China in recent years” by Times Magazine. In 2010, Times Magazine posted Chochukmo’s album review of their first album “The King Lost His Pink”. On top of local performances, Chochukmo has also performed in the Philippines and Malaysia and gained very positive recognition.
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- Pop & Rock Music Courses
- Vocal Courses
Scott Fung
Graduated from University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Scott is a pop music composer. In 2012, Scott was awarded 2nd runner up and the most popular online song” in the 24th Cash Pop Music Composition Competition. In 2011. Scott was invited to be part of the live band in Hanjin Tan’s concert in Hong Kong Coliseum. He has also participated in the soundtrack composition and production of the movie “Yangtze River VII” by Stephen Chow while also works as the producer and composer of pop singers and various listcos. Scott has worked with Hacken Lee, Sammi Cheng, Andy Hui, Ocean Hai, Ken Hung, Don Lee, Mandy Chiang, Eunix Lee, etc in their music production. His songs have gained recognition in TVB JSG, CASH Pop Music Composition Competition, Life Angel Song Writing Competition (1st runner up), Metro Broadcast Karaoke Competition, etc.
- Digital Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
D’in Cheung
Graduated from MI Japan (Music Institute in Japan), D’in is a singer-songwriter. He was also an instructor in MI Japan upon graduation. D’in published his album “Hide & Seek” in 2011 and was awarded the most popular singer as well as the #5 bestseller in Reverbnation store in 2011 October. He was the guitarist of the band “Carzimalz”, which has published record in their own name ‘Crazimalz”. In 2012 they published an EP “The Meeting Place” EP with 6 Canto-songs.
Rap Cheung
Rap is the drummer for the band “Blaster”, the champion band in Yamaha Asian Beat 2009, 1st runner up band in Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong Heartbeat Youth Music Festival and the champion of Our Rock Story 4 Music Competition. Rap has been the drummer in a lot of major concerts in recent years. He has worked with Jade Kwan, RuberBand, C ALL STAR, Andy Hui, Bianca Wu (小琳), Terence Chui (小肥), Vivian Chan, Jason Chung + Karene Mak, Takki, KellyJackie, Sugar Club, Maggie Fu, Ella Koon, A-Day, Edmond To, Shiga Lin, Jonathan Wong, Angela Au and Sheldon Lo, etc. Rap is very active in Hong Kong mainstream music industry and has had individual performances in Taiwan and Japan.
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Hod Li
As an active session bass guitarist, Hod has worked with Sugar Club, soda green and S.H.E., etc before. He has also performed in Guanzhou, Macau and Taiwan, including the Spring Scream Music Festival in Taiwan. He was awarded distinction in Rockschool Grade 8 Bass Guitar Exam, and was gained recognition in a number of music contests. In recent years, Hod has been doing live performance in weddings, corporate events, parties, etc as a session bass guitarist.
Howie Chung
考獲英國Trinity Drum Kit8級證書,接觸流行鼓十多年,教學經驗超過7年。為樂隊"唐人街"及"Mas2ia""成員,活躍於香港Band譠,多年來積極參與城中大小Band Show及活動。曾遠赴加坡、大陸及台灣等地作海外演出。擅長Rock、Metal等風格。教學方式著重學生的基本功,從而掌握拍子感及節奏感。
Candice Ha
澳洲Macquarie University現代音樂系學士課程畢業 。2012年,奪得全球華人新秀歌唱大賽現場最受歡迎歌手獎項。擁有6年以上歌唱經驗,於澳洲悉尼曾擔任駐場歌手。個人擅長POP及R&B等風格。教學方式著重讓學生真心喜歡唱歌,用正確心態學習流行樂,並作全面的音樂發展。
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
- Vocal Courses
Christine Sheung
畢業於聲樂及錄音演繹證書課程及香港演藝學院音樂劇表演證書課程。擁有10年以上歌唱經驗,現為歌曲DEMO歌手,演唱歌曲曾入選CASH流行曲創作大賽,同是亦有擔任教會敬拜隊。曾參與電視劇及演唱會演出等演出,並於不同場地作公開演出。擅長Pop、Rock及Musical Theatre等風格。致力推廣音樂劇文化。教學方針著重培養學生的基本功及培養對音樂興趣。
Member of the independent band “Purple Express”. Hon has over 30 years of experience in band music and percussion. He has worked with artists including Leung-Sing Wong (黃良昇) @ Blue Jeans and performed in Hong Kong Coliseum before. He is good at all sorts of pop drum styles, especially Rock. He is always invited to be the drummer at weddings, annual events, party, etc. In terms of teaching, he is particularly focused on students’ fundamental skills and performance expression.
本地樂隊Soul of ears結他手,已考獲Rockschool Grade 8 Guitar證書,已有多年彈奏電結他經驗,過往曾參與香港多個大型樂隊比賽,更勇奪香港蒲窩青少年樂隊比賽 2012 冠軍,期後曾多次於本地及中國演出,擅長Rock、Metal、Hardcore、Blues等風格,對速彈及獨奏技巧、感情有深入研究。
A member of the band “MARY”. Other members in the band include Mag Lam, Abson Fung, Ricky Wong. He always performs in artists live concerts and gained rich experiences and knowledge. On top of active local performance, YO has also performed overseas in places including Singapore
- Classical Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Ricky Wong
A member of the band “MARY”. Other members in the band include Mag Lam, Adson Fung, Johann Choy. He always performs in artists’ live concerts and was awarded the Best Original Music (Gold) in Hong Kong Student’s Short Film Competition. Ricky is good at piano accompaniment, improvisation, song writing, song arrangement and movie soundtrack. He was a student of Ted Lo in jazz music. In 2011, Ricky joined Hong Kong Youth Jazz Orchestra and has participated in Sing For All concert.
- Digital Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Louis Cheng
畢業於日本Tokyo Music Schoo 3年文憑課程,在日本居住近7年。曾與Michael Jackson結他手及Luna Sea鼓手shinya等同台演出,亦曾於日本幕張會館公開演出。擁有彈奏結他15年以上經驗及10年以上教學經驗。擅長Pop、Rock、Metal、Funk、Blues、Jazz及Funk等風格,教學方式會了解學生特質因材施教,並培養學生擁有個人風格,發揮個人專長。
Kulo Ming
樂隊"Ignite the Hope"及"及時雨"成員。曾於台灣春天吶喊音樂會及銀礦灣沙灘音樂節等公開演出。過往曾與許懷欣、Harpack等藝人合作並曾參加中學巡演。考獲Rockschool Grade 8 Drum證書並獲得Distinction成績。有10年以上演奏及5年以上教學經驗。擅長Metal及Post Hard Core等風格。教學方式著重演奏方式、令學生能以音樂表達自己。
- Digital Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Neil Lau
Guitarist of the band “Blaster”, champion band of Yamaha Asian Beat 2009. Other members in the band include He Chan, Anton Lau, Kin Lee and Rap. Blaster was the Hong Kong Representative for Asian Beat Competition in Japan and Neil was the best guitarist in the competition. Neil is specialized in Pop, Rock, Metal, Blues and Funk, etc, also very keen in expressive solo playing.
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Simon Choi
畢業於英國Oxford Brookes University的Sound Technology and Digital Music學位課程,並考獲Rockschool Grade 8 Guitar證書及英國皇家音樂學院(ABRSM)8級樂理證書。於英國及澳洲期間,曾與各國樂手交流音樂。擁有彈奏結他10年以上經驗及5年以上教學經驗。擅長Britrock、Funk及Acoustic等風格。教學方針著重音樂的節奏感。
- Digital Music Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Member of a champion band in GBOB and awarded distinction in Rockschool Grade 8 Guitar Examination. He joined the band “秋红” in 2007 and later established the band “Trash 21” with his friends. KC is very active in Hong Kong band circle and has deep knowledge in Rock and Metal. His performance experience includes shows in Mainland China and other places in the world. Also a music engineer, he is very experienced in band performances and rich in audio recording knowledge.
- Classical Music Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Yuki Wong
Ho Nam
The guitarist of a Hong Kong independent band “意色樓”, the bass guitarist of “Pusshi Ta-chi” and the drummer of “Mental Vehicle”. In 2007, “意色樓” published their first album “相識但陌生” (“Acquainted but Unfamiliar”). Later in 2012, “意色樓” and “Pusshi Tai-chi” each published another album, and have performed in many local and Mainland shows, also participates in various recording and post-production jobs. His teaching instructions start from simplicity to help students build a concrete foundation. In later stage, expressions in music and improvisations are his key focus in teaching.
- Classical Music Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
- Vocal Courses
Hopeful Chan
畢業於中文大學音樂系,考獲英國皇家音樂學院(ABRSM)8級鋼琴證書。擁有20年演奏及8年以上教學經驗。曾代表香港到中國上海世博會演出,現為A capella樂團"香港旋律"成員。教學著重於培養學生的音樂感,對音樂產生興趣。
Vera Liu
多年來獲獎無數,於多個歌唱比賽中榮獲冠軍獎項,曾舉辦2場個人音樂會,經常獲邀為音樂人錄唱Demo歌曲。過往亦經常獲邀擔任大型歌唱表演嘉賓,包括商場演出、公司周年晚會、嘉年華晚、社區活動、汽車展覽、政府活動、婚宴等。演出地點包括伊利沙伯體育館 、九龍灣國際展貿中心 、各大商場、文化中心 、星光大道 、 太空館 、 沙田馬場 、各大會堂及酒店等。演出經驗豐富,教學理念著重訓練學生歌唱時對感情的投入及各類型歌唱技巧等。
Rhodi Sin
Members of the band “BOMBER” and “老樹”. In 2011, BOMBER won championship in band competitions including “激樂拼2011”, Our Rock Story7 and Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong Heartbeat Youth Music Festival. In 2012, they won 2nd runner up in Parkland Top Band Competition (HK) 2012. In 2009, “老樹” won 2nd runner up in Soundbase 2009. Exposed to musical instruments for over 10 years, Rhodi has learned drumming from Siman Tsui, later learned bass guitar from the famous band BSC. Rhodi has rich experience in live performance and is highly recognized in the music industry.
- Digital Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Ming Lau
考獲Rockschool Grade 8 Guitar證書及Drum證書。擁有10年以上演奏及5年以上教學經驗。擅長個人獨立創作,特別對於Post Rock及Moody更有深入的研究,活躍於音樂創作比賽。擅長Pop及Funk等風格,教學方式希望令學生活用音樂,作音樂的全能發展。
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Yin Kan
Yin has learned bass guitar from單立文, the Hong Kong renowned bass guitarist . He has the certification of Rockschool Grade 8 Bass Guitar Examination and has learnt from various famous teachers and session guitarists. Yin is specialized in music styles including Pop, Rock, Blues and Jazz. In recent years, Yin has been performing in different occasions including weddings, banquets, school and private events. His teaching focuses in building a solid foundation, and helping students to recognize their weaknesses and improve via intensive training.
- Classical Music Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Jason Yeung
於香港演藝學院攻讀舞台及製作藝術精研職業訓練證書課程,主修音效技術。考獲英國皇家音樂學院(ABRSM)8級鋼琴及5級樂理證書,擁有彈奏樂器10年以上經驗。樂隊"From the inside out"成員,並曾於TVB節目接受訪問。樂隊活躍於香港Band譠,多年來積極參與城中大小Band Show比賽及活動,同是亦有擔任教會敬拜隊。擅長Funk、Jazz及Blues等風格。教學方針著重培養學生的基本功、節奏感及拍子等。
- Classical Music Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Wai Chui
Karl Chen
考獲Rockschool Grade 8 Guitar證書,擁有8年以上演奏及5年以上教學經驗。過往曾受邀到中國內地參予多場表演,活躍於香港Band譠。擅長Pop、Rock、Metal、Blues、Jazz及Funk等風格,教學方式因材施教,從學生的興趣出發,並著重基本功訓練。
Jeffrey Mok
考獲Rockschool Grade 8 Bass 證書並獲得Distinction成績。樂隊"Narcissus"前成員,活躍於香港Band譠,多年來積極參與城中大小Band Show比賽及活動。同時亦是Wind Ensemble樂團"Joyeux winds"的成員。擅長Pop、Rock、Metal、Blues、Jazz及Funk等風格,教學重於基本功、音感及拍子。
考獲Rockschool Grade 8 Guitar證書,樂隊"Joker Tears"成員。活躍於香港Band譠,多年來積極參與城中大小Band Show比賽及活動。擅長Pop、Rock及Blues等風格。教學方針著重培養學生對音樂的興趣,並增加主動性。
Lok Chung
考獲Rockschool Grade 8 Drum證書,擁有8年以上演奏及2年以上教學經驗。活躍於香港Band譠,多年來積極參與城中大小Band Show比賽及活動。擅長Rock、Funk及Hip-hop等風格。教學理念著重於學生能以音樂表達自己,尋找個人特色以及增加對音樂的認識。
Samson Sin
樂隊"The Six Heads"成員。2013年,樂隊勇奪全港青少年樂隊比賽2013冠軍樂隊。考獲Rockschool Grade 8 Drum證書並獲得Distinction成績,擁有10年以上演奏。擅長Pop、Rock、Blues、Jazz及Funk等風格。教學理念著重於學生的基本功,進而學會運用良好的音色。
- Classical Music Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Raven Cheuk
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Mo Wu
Mo was the guitarist of "留離" and has been working closely with Western bands and various performance in Hong Kong, Macau and the PRC. Since its establishment 2 years ago, "留離" has already had over 50 live performances. Mo is very experienced and has been playing guitar for over 10 years and has gained the Rockschool Grade 8 Guitar certification. With his experience in guitar teaching for years, Mo has strong knowledge in different music styles. By learning from Mo, students will be able fully comprehend the music theory behind the songs and can truly enjoy music.
Graduated with digital music and sound effect high diploma, also gained Rockschool Grade 8 Electic Guitar certification with distinction. KaWai was the guitarist of Hong Kong independent band “連理枝”, which was selected as the 2009 representative to do a live performance in Singapore. The band was invited to perform in Hong Kong Records and制片業商會" for many times, and was also the band in "六樓後座". On top of performances in Hong Kong, the band has also performed in the PRC before.
Hong Lo
Awarded Rockschool Grade 8 Drums certificate and has been playing drums for over 10 years, with over 8 hours of practice everyday. Hong also gained precious feedbacks from senior session players and has been improving from time to time. He has deep knowledge in all music styles. On top, Hong is also very experienced in live performance with his active participation in Hong Kong’s band circle and various band shows and competitions. His teaching style is strict and serious.
SaNn Cheung
Drummer of Hong Kong underground band “逆流”, which won 1st runner up in Parkland Top Band Competition (HK) 2012. SaNn has rich live performance experiences with his active participation in different band shows. Awarded Rockshool Grade 8 Drums certificate with years of experiences in teaching pop drums and specialized in Metal and Rock, also good at other music styles such as Pop and Funk. SaNn hopes to spread the fun of percussion by teaching.
J’s Ip
Guitarist of local bands “Deep Inside” and “Eccentric”. In 2004, Eccentric has won numerous awards including champion band, best guitarist, best original song. In 2009, Eccentric published their first album and was invited to interviews and performances on TVB and ATV. J’s Ip has also performed in TV Ads and the music video of Deep Ng, also writes music for artists, advertisement and charities. In 2012 the band “Deep Inside” was established. In the same year, Deep Inside won the champion band in Parkland Top Band Competition (HK) 2012 and Yamaha Asian Beat 2012, also represented Hong Kong for the Asia round in Singapore.
Anson Sing
Drummer of the independent band “神奇膠”, awarded Rockschool Grade 8 Drums certificate with over 10 years of percussion experience. Since his early years in drum playing when he was young, Anson has accumulated rich performance experiences in various band. Anson is also very humorous and is good at enhancing students’ interests in percussion. Specialized in Fusion, funk, Metal, Punk, Pop and Rock.
- Digital Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Tony Huen
Vocalist and guitarist of the band “Pandora”, which won the 1st runner up in Yamaha Asian Beat and champion band in Warehouse Youth Band Competition in 2011. During his 4 years of college in the UK, Tony majored in guitar and audio recording. Specialized in recoding, mixing, improvisation, composition, song arrangement and performance in various music styles. Tony was also interviewed in different radio shows. In recent years, Tony has always been invited as a judge and quest performer in different school singing contests.
- Classical Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Derek Tsoi
- Classical Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
修讀英國Kingston University BMUS學位課程,考獲英國皇家音樂學院(ABRSM)8級鋼琴及8級樂理證書,擁有彈奏鋼琴10年以上經驗。曾為管弦樂團成員,於大會堂等場地作公開演出。亦有於參與樂隊擔任鍵盤手並活躍於香港Band譠。Classical及Pop等風格均擅長。教學方針著重培養學生體會歌曲,並演奏適當的演奏方式。
- Digital Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Ray Poon
Over 10 years of experiences in music, guitarist of Hong Kong independent band “Ascetics” and a number of other bands. In 2012 Ray established a new electronic music band “Trail” to perform original music pieces, which were composed, written lyrics, arranged, recorded, sang and played background music by Ray. He has learnt music from various senior teachers, including Seasons Lee. Coupled with his obsession in guitar effects and deep research in theory, rhythms and melody, Ray has advanced techniques in various music styles. Also, due to his dedication in original music, Ray has started using softwares to compose different music, ranging from pop music to electronic pieces.
Siga Cheung
Graduated from a 4-year degree program in Musicians Institute (US M.I.), and gained comprehensive music knowledge via master classes. Siga is also very knowledgeable in the structure of different guitars and bass guitars, including fixing, maintenance and transformation of guitars.
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Anton Lau
Keyboard player of the band “Blaster”, Hong Kong champion band of Yamaha Asian Beat 2009, which later represented Hong Kong for the Asia round in Yokohama, Japan. Also the best keyboard in the Competition. Blaster has achieved outstanding results in the top 5 Hong Kong band competitions. Anton is very experienced in live performances and active in different band performances. He is good at all music styles. In recent years, Anton has been focusing on nurturing potential players, hoping to develop more outstanding local players.
Over 10 years of experiences in guitar playing in different music styles in including Pop, Metal, Blues and Jazz, etc. Ram is especially good at Blues and is thus very active in the Blues circle in Hong Kong. He has formed the Blues band “The Dumb Melon Quartet” and “Then You Suffer”, which have performed in various shows and won numerous awards in music contests. Meanwhile, Ram is also a session player in bars and private clubs, and has worked with different Blues and Jazz players, including Blues guitarist Tommy Chung, Blues harmonica player Henry Chung and Jazz guitarist Eugene Pao, etc
Mini Chan
Years of experiences in pop drum and piano, also got deep knowledge in music theory. Formed the band “Popcorn” and is very experienced in band playing and live performance. Especially good at Pop and Rock. Carol teaches according to students’ talents, interests and needs. Also emphasizes fundamental skills.
- Classical Music Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
- Vocal Courses
Winki Tang
Winki has won championships in numerous singing contests, and has performed in Kagoshima, Japan. Awarded ABRSM Grade 8 in Vocal, Grade 8 in Piano and Grade 5 in Music Theory.
Advanced Certificate in Vocal Techniques & Performing Vocalist
Formed the band “Espoir@930” and is currently the keyboard player and second vocalist in the band. Carol is very active in open performances, including wedding, banquets, charity events, etc. She is also a choir conductor
Joxis Tse
Won championship in singing competition like Budweiser, Handover Cup, etc and numerous awards in public singing competitions including Casio Singing Contest, 挑戰新一代歌唱大賽 and public competitions in various districts in Hong Kong. Joxis learned music from renowned teacher Mary Leung (梁月玲). Joxis has participated in various live band shows and has also performed in Star Avenue (Tsim Sha Tsui), Hong Kong Cultural Centre, APM, Langham Palce, Hollywood Plaza, etc. She has rich teaching experience in singing and was invited as a judge in different contests. She has also performed in the Mainland China and worked with various artists including Janice (衛蘭).
- Classical Music Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Moon Chow
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
- Vocal Courses
Koala Kwan
畢業於澳洲紐卡索大學音樂學士學位,均以Distinction(優異)成績考獲英國Trinity(聖三一)音樂聲樂LTCL演奏文憑及英國皇家音樂學院(ABRSM)8級聲樂證書。曾跟隨聲樂教育家 Dr Christopher Allan 及悉尼歌劇院著名女高音Ms Gillian Sullivan 學習聲樂,並跟隨指揮家 Dr Ian Cook學習指揮技巧。超過5年教授聲樂經驗,從巴洛克時期音樂至現代流行曲。教學方針是以耐心,互動及思考性教學模式對每位學生的特質給予最適合教材,因材施教,訓練獨立思考及建立自我檢察方式,並著重於聲帶發聲的保護及健康訓練。
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
- Vocal Courses
Loreley Chan
修讀於浸會大學音樂系,考獲英國皇家音樂學院(ABRSM)8級聲樂及8級樂理證書。曾為香港大都會合唱團及香港聖樂團成員,於文化中心、大會堂‥‥等場地作公開演出。曾參與歌劇Die lustige Witwe(風流寡婦)演出。教學理念猶其著重學生的基本功,並培養學生對音樂的興趣。
- Classical Music Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Graduated from the School of Creative Media in City University of Hong Kong, majored in digital music and sound effect design. Over 10 years of experience in piano and 7 years in open performances. Participated in different competitions with a number of bands, in which the band “Sober Mind” was elected as one of the finalists in Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong Heartbeat Youth Music Festival. Tung was also invited to perform in HKCEC, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Youth Square Y-Theatre, Halo Bar, DY Club, etc
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
- Vocal Courses
Jessica Lee
Champion in YMCA and many other singing contests, also a Hong Kong representative to perform in Taiwan. Participated in movies, TV drama, commercials, events, TV shows and dubbing and has gone through formal training including dancing, visual performance, music, DJ, etc. Rich experience in visual performances, thus, on top of teaching students the technical skill in vocal such as breathing, notes accuracy, duo singing and classical vocal singing, Jessica is also eligible in sharing skills in managing different music styles, singing and dancing match and live performance experiences in different occasions with students.
- Classical Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
- Vocal Courses
Anita Au
Music experience of over 15 years, ABRSM Grade 8 in Piano. Have learnt piano and vocl art from senior teachers in music schools. Actively participates in shows and singing contests, also a professional dubbing singer. Instructor in church choir and also helped students to gain outstanding performances in school music festivals and open competitions.
- Classical Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
- Vocal Courses
Aiki Wong
One of the top 3 finalist in EEG’s New Star Singing Contest, also the Most Talented Award winner in the competition. Graduated from Washington State University, majored in music composition, also grade 8 in piano and Gu Zheng, with vocal being his major instrument in studies. Over 10 years of experience in teaching, good at both one-on-one classes and group classes.
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
- Vocal Courses
Hin Kwok
Won numerous awards in individual and group singing in school music festivals, awarded ABRSM Grade 8 in Vocal in 2010. Focused on teaching career in vocal and training students for school music festivals and church choir. Also the conductor in church choir, high school choir and guest performer in singing workshops.
Ken Ng
Guitarist of Hong Kong band “SAVVY”, have learnt different music styles from session players. Rockschool Grade 8 in Guitar and ABRSM Grade 5in Music Theory, currently preparing for Grade 8 Examination in ABRSM Grade 8 in Music Theory, therefore has deep knowledge in classical music theory. Was the guitar instructor in various high schools, primary schools and public organizations. Focused on student’s fundamental skills and teaches according to students’ interests, very passionate in teaching and incorporates different music knowledge into guitar playing.
- Classical Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Aaron Mou
Good at Pop, Jazz, Rock and Metal, also got deep knowledge in the extremely challenging style Progressive Metal. Over 10 years of experience in piano with Grade 8 certification. Also gained precious feedback from senior session players, continuously polishing the skills in keyboard playing. Formed the band “Mystic Dream” and actively participates in various band shows and open events.
Phoenix Chow
Graduated with high diploma in digital music and sound effects, Rockschool Grade 8 in Drums, ABRSM Grade 8 in Piano and Grade 5 in Music Theory. Was the drummer of the Hong Kong independent band “連理枝”. Elected as the Hong Kong representative to perform in Singapore. Invited as a member of the performing band for “Hong Kong Records” and the movie “Truth or Dare: Sixth Floor Rear Flat”. On top of local performances, the band has also performed in the PRC. Focused on comprehensive music experience and styles in classes
Jen Wong
Rockschool Grade 8 in Drums, learnt from renowned teachers and senior players including Lawrence Tsui. Often performs in wedding, banquets, schools and private gatherings as a drummer, very experienced in live performances. Unlike any other classes, his relax teaching style enables students to enjoy music without stress.
Alex Li
Graduated with high diploma in digital music and sound effects and the degree in modern music performance from The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Comprehensive knowledge in composition, song arrangement, audio effects, stage management, audio recording and mixing. Learnt jazz music from famous jazz musician Wilson Lam and is the vocalist and guitarist in the band “Tricky”, which actively performs in schools, bars and shopping malls, etc
Ryan Wan
Graduated from the 3-year Guitar Diploma in Osaka College of Music and has over 10 years of experience in guitar performance. In Japan, Ryan was a guitar teacher and has performed in cafes and other venues. In terms of teaching style, Ryan regards music knowledge, music theory as the most important fundamentals.
Ho Tse
With his passion in music, Ho is degree holder of US Musicians Institute (US M.I.) specialized music program, which granted him comprehensive music knowledge. He has deep interest in guitar and is good at both electric and acoustic guitars. His teaching mission is to let more people gain enjoyment in music
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Kin Lee
Member of the band “Blaster”, the champion band in Yamaha Asian Beat 2009, later represented Hong Kong in the Asia round in Japan, also the 1st runner up band in Heartbeat 2009. Over 10 years of experience in bass guitar, actively performs in bars, lounges, banquets, etc. He wishes to let more students know that bass guitar could be as fun and interesting as any other musical instruments.
Him Li
With his deep interest in pop drums, Him started his music studies in the UK since 2006 and graduated from Brunel University in London with Music as major and the pop drumming program from Tech Music School in London. During his studies, Him also gained experienced in music recording and production, which granted him deep knowledge in music softwares. On top of pop drumming, Him also got Grade 8 certification in piano, good at Pop and Rock.
He Chan
Vocalist of the band “Blaster”, the champion band in Yamaha Asian Beat 2009. Other members in the band include Neil Lau, Anton Lau, Kin Lee and Rap, also represented Hong Kong for the Asia round contest in Japan. Very rich in performance experience, actively participates in various shows and shopping malls.
Over 10 years of teaching experience in drum, many of his students has already been awarded Rockschool Grade 8 in Drum. With his extensive experience in teaching, Melon is able to grasp students weaknesses quickly and help student to learn effectively with simple and efficient ways. Some of his students have even become drum tutors.
Over 10 years of experience in drums, learnt percussion from renowned teacher Siman Tsui and famous musician “Siu Wan” (小雲). Formed the band “Dash” and gained a wealth of experience through different performances, including wedding, banquets, parties. Seeto has a strict and serious teaching style
Wai Chan
Rockschool Grade 8 in Guitar, with many years of experience in guitar, as well as teaching. Actively participates in various band shows, including schools, outdoor shows, live house, etc. Good at Pop, Rock, Metal, Funk and Punk, deep knowledge in speed playing and solos. Wai hopes to let more people enjoy music with guitar
Have been learning guitar since young, with extensive experience in band playing. Often performs in bars, banquets and TV shows. Rick teaching experiences including offering classes in primary schools and universities. Good at Pop and Rock, and focused on fundamental skills training and ear training in teaching
Rockschool Grade 8 in Bass Guitar, with many years of experiences in bass guitar and teaching. Extensive personal experience in bass guitar playing with various performances. Zing teaches according to students’ talents, interests and needs. Also emphasizes fundamental skills.
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Keith Leung
Rockschool Grade 8 in Guitar, over 7 years of experience in guitar and many years of teaching experience in different music styles. He is focused in fundamental skills training and thus developing students skills progressively. Coupled with familiar songs to give students a sense of achievement, students can completely learn and enjoy music without stress.
Rockschool Grade 8 in Drums, many years of experiences in pop drum playing. On top, Po is also an acoustic guitar player. He is very active in live performances in has rich experience in band playing as well as live performances. Po teaches according to students’ talents, interests and needs. Also emphasizes fundamental skills.
Chris Tsui
Trinity Rockschool Grade 8 in Bass, with years of experiences in bass guitar playing with different local bands. Active in school performances, outdoor band shows and singing contests. Performs as a bass guitarist in church gathering regularly, extensive live performance experiences.
Ho Cheung
Graduated with high diploma in multi-media creation and digital entertainment, Rockshool Grade 8 in Guitar. Currently the guitarist of “Beaker”. Participated in various band competitions and has extensive performance experience. Also worked with professional artists in concerts before. Ho teaches according to students’ talents, interests and needs. Also emphasizes fundamental skills.
Charles Chan
Rockschool Grade 8 in Guitar, ABRSM Grade 5 in Music Theory and Pro Tools 101 Official Certification. Learnt guitar from renowned guitarist Tommy Ho, currently the guitarist of Hong Kong band “柳葉”, which actively participated in large band competitions, accumulated rich performance experience. Have also been the session guitarist in various shows and drama. On top, Charles has a wealth of experience in audio recording, mixing, mastering and music engineering. Charles teaches music instruments based on music theory
Asher Ho
Rockschool Grade 8 in Drums and ABRSM Grade 5 in Music Theory. Over 10 years of experienced in pop drums, and many year of teaching experiences in high schools, primary schools and community centers. Learnt pop drum from famous teacher “細威”, and has certain knowledge in African drums. In 2008, Asher was the drummer in the bad “Dark Fringe”, and was awarded Best Drummer in PowerPerformance Youth Band Competition 2008. Currently the drummer of the Moliuc Power Metail Band “Silent Chamber”. Asher has extensive experience in audio recording, as well as performing in different schools, live house, community centers, wedding and shopping malls, etc
- Digital Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Guitarist of Hong Kong independent band “D-Head”, and was invited as the guitarist for Seasons Lee’s live performance, and is the key guitarist of a couple of Side Project bands, including the Digital Gothic industrial Rock Band “Headhunter”, the former “eleven wishes, “goodbye”, etc. In 2011, Mind was the guitarist of the band “神化砵砵車”. He has extensive experience in various concerts. Over 10 years of experience in music and have been learning different music styles since young, good at operating and setting guitar multi-effectors.
- Classical Music Courses
- Music Theory Courses
- Pop & Rock Music Courses
Chad Leung
考獲英國皇家音樂學院(ABRSM)8級結他及8級樂理證書。經常參與音樂治療工作。個人猶其擅長Classical, Pop, Fingerstyle及即興演奏等風格。教學方式因材施教,並著重訓練學生的基本功、樂理知識及培養對音樂的興趣。
Lok Au
Rockschool Grade 8 in Drums, good at Pop, Rock, Funk and Jazz, etc. Formed a couple of bands with different music styles, and have been performing in school shows and factory building shows. In terms of teaching, Lok aims at striking a blance between students’ interests and fundamental practice, he will also design some pieces for student’s daily practice.