Outstanding student achievements Parkland students on ABRSM exams at the end of 2023, nearly 88% of Parkland students achieved either Merit or Distinction! Other student achievements 2016香港青少年音樂公開比賽幼稚園組別獲得 - The Third Place 唱好鄰里唱歌比賽 - 亞軍 ABRSM - Classical Piano Grade 2 Distinction ABRSM - Music Theory Grade 5 Merit Rockschool - Drum Grade 3 ABRSM - Classical Piano Grade8 2017年度校際音樂節第二名 校內歌唱比賽 - 亞軍 Parkland Music 2016 Student Show Rockschool - Drum Grade 3 Merit Rockschool - Drum Grade 6 Distinction ABRSM - Vocal Grade 3 Rockschool - Drum Grade 3 Distinction ABRSM - Singing Grade 2 Rockschool - Drum Grade 2 Distinction 校內比賽-季軍 Music Week Singing Contest 2018 季軍