Vera Liu

多年來獲獎無數,於多個歌唱比賽中榮獲冠軍獎項,曾舉辦2場個人音樂會,經常獲邀為音樂人錄唱Demo歌曲。過往亦經常獲邀擔任大型歌唱表演嘉賓,包括商場演出、公司周年晚會、嘉年華晚、社區活動、汽車展覽、政府活動、婚宴等。演出地點包括伊利沙伯體育館 、九龍灣國際展貿中心 、各大商場、文化中心 、星光大道 、 太空館 、 沙田馬場 、各大會堂及酒店等。演出經驗豐富,教學理念著重訓練學生歌唱時對感情的投入及各類型歌唱技巧等。

Winner of numerous awards throughout the years including many singing competitions and had 2 personal concerts with many invitations to record demos for various artists. Invited to various performances as guest artist including shopping centers, annual dinners, gala nights, social events, car exhibitions, government events, weddings, etc. Performance venues include Queen Elizabeth Stadium, KITEC, Shopping Centers, Cultural Centre, Avenue of Stars, Space Museum, Shatin Racecourse, Town Halls, Hotels, etc. giving her lots of performance experiences. Her teaching philosophy focuses on the emotional input of her student’s to the music and various singing techniques.
