Jason Yeung

於香港演藝學院攻讀舞台及製作藝術精研職業訓練證書課程,主修音效技術。考獲英國皇家音樂學院(ABRSM)8級鋼琴及5級樂理證書,擁有彈奏樂器10年以上經驗。樂隊”From the inside out”成員,並曾於TVB節目接受訪問。樂隊活躍於香港Band譠,多年來積極參與城中大小Band Show比賽及活動,同是亦有擔任教會敬拜隊。擅長Funk、Jazz及Blues等風格。教學方針著重培養學生的基本功、節奏感及拍子等。

Studied at the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts’ Vocational Certificate in Theatre and Entertainment Arts majoring in Sound Technology. Awarded the ABRSM Grade 8 Piano Certificate and Grade 5 Theory Certificate with over 10 years of performing experience. A member of the band From the Inside Out that was interviewed in a programme on TVB. The band is an active part of Hong Kong’s band scene with many years of experience in performing in various Band Shows and competitions as well as a worship team at church. Master in Funk, Jazz and Blues styles with a teaching method to develop the student’s basics, rhythm and sense of beat.
