Samuel Yu

考獲英國聖三一音樂學院鋼琴ATCL演奏文憑及英國皇家音樂學院(ABRSM)8級大提琴。 畢業於澳洲墨爾本大學音樂系 (Piano Performance),曾於公開比賽獲獎無數。參加多個管弦樂團並於教會音樂事奉 (詩琴/ 詩班/ 管弦樂團),擁有多年彈奏和表演經驗。 Classical及Pop等風格均擅長,對鋼琴自彈自唱、視聽、樂理、伴奏、和弦、作曲、即興及不同類型音樂創作演奏甚有心得。 教學理念是因材施教,也致力培養學生的音樂感,希望學生明白樂曲中的每個細節,讓他們對音樂產生興趣。

Awarded UK’s Trinity College ATCL Piano Diploma and ABRSM Grade 8 Cello Certificate. Graduated from Australia’s Melbourne University Department of Music majoring in Piano Performance and received numerous awards in open competitions. Samuel was also part of many orchestras and the church’s musical ministry (pianist, choir, orchestra) and have many years of experience in performances. Majored in Classical and Pop styles with lots of experience in singing and playing, recital, theory, accompaniment, harmony, composition, improvisation and different styles of music creation and performances. Teaching philosophy focuses on the student’s potential and aids in the development of the musical sense in the student and hopes that student will understand the intrinsic details of the music so their interest in music will increase.
