修讀英國Kingston University BMUS學位課程,考獲英國皇家音樂學院(ABRSM)8級鋼琴及8級樂理證書,擁有彈奏鋼琴10年以上經驗。曾為管弦樂團成員,於大會堂等場地作公開演出。亦有於參與樂隊擔任鍵盤手並活躍於香港Band譠。Classical及Pop等風格均擅長。教學方針著重培養學生體會歌曲,並演奏適當的演奏方式。
Studied at UK’s Kingston University BMUS degree and awarded ABRSM Grade 8 Piano and Grade 8 Theory Certificates with over 10 years of piano performance experience. Was a member of the orchestra performing at Town Halls before and was an active member of the Hong Kong band scene as a keyboardist. Able to play Classical and Pop styles. Teaching style focuses on allowing the student to experience the song and the technique and styles of performance.