Lok Chung

考獲Rockschool Grade 8 Drum證書,擁有8年以上演奏及2年以上教學經驗。活躍於香港Band譠,多年來積極參與城中大小Band Show比賽及活動。擅長Rock、Funk及Hip-hop等風格。教學理念著重於學生能以音樂表達自己,尋找個人特色以及增加對音樂的認識。

Awarded the Rockschool Grade 8 Drum Certificate with over 8 years of performing experience and over 2 years of teaching experience. Active in the Hong Kong band scene and involved in various band shows and competitions. Majored in Roc, Funk and Hip-Hop styles with a teaching philosophy focused on allowing students to express themselves through music to find a personal style and increase their knowledge of music.
