本地樂隊”一般性”結他手,於2012年畢業於香港專業教育學院,並於2014年考獲Rockschool Grade 8 Guitar證書,擁有6年以上演奏及5年以上教學經驗,曾於不同的教會、社區團體及音樂中心任教,亦為婚禮、音樂會、大學歌唱比賽及為藝人擔任過駐場結他手及貝斯手,同時在中華基督教播道會同福堂擔任樂隊教練及顧問,擔任過樂隊的作曲、填詞、編曲及其專輯的結他錄制部份,亦曾於台灣Wake Up音樂祭及20多場不同的香港公開演出,教學及演出經驗相當豐富,教學方式著重於情感、演奏方式和節奏,亦會因材施教,使學生能更容易學習,從而投入歌曲及演出。
Guitarist of local band Jatbansing, graduated from the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education in 2012 and was awarded the Rockschool Grade 8 Guitar Certificate in 2014. With over 6 years of performing experience and over 5 years of teaching experience teaching in various churches, social groups and musical centres and performed at weddings, concerts, university singing competitions and the guitarist and bassist for many artists’ concerts. Harry is also the teacher and consultant of worship teams at Evangelical Free Church of China Tung Fook Church. Harry was also involved in the band’s music composition, lyrics, arrangements and recordings of their album and was part of the Wake Up Music Festival in Taiwan and over 20 different public performances in Hong Kong. Harry’s teaching focuses on the emotions of playing, styles of performance and rhythm and will teach according to the student’s potential allowing for easy learning by the student and for the student to delve into the music and performance.